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Don’t Be A Bully

Bullying starts from the time we are little on up.
It is done by our relatives, and school mates.
It can be done by the neighbors, teachers, and sometimes even our self.
The worse way to be bullied is to listen to the bully and accept what they say as facts.

As the news is full of bullying stories of over weight people, gay young people, handicapped, or couples inter-racial daters killing themselves because of someone who bullies them on the Internet or taunts them in person; leading them to kill themselves.

The fact that while growing up people bully their children about weight, grades, eating, handicaps, friends from the wrong religion or race, and much more.

In 1988, in only 7 months time, I went from 256 lbs. to 136 lbs,
and was on my way to loose more weight.

No one was going to stop me. I wanted approval.

Rosemary Cosentino, my best friend bought me tickets to a Patti LaBelle Concert. On September 18th,1988, a friendship started with a woman named Patti LaBelle and me.

Who called to me asking me if I was sick with cancer I told her no I just wanted to get thin enough for approval. With tears in her eyes and love in her heart she asked me to please go home that night and look at myself in the mirror and see that I was too too thin sugar.

This next song goes out to my friend Sylvester, who is dying of aids, and to my two sisters fighting cancer and to you girlfriend.  Miss Patti knows “There’s A Winner In You”. She cried as she sang and reached out for my hand.

A lady who had no need to care for me,
cared with every fiber of her being and we are still friends to this day. 

The next song was You Are My Friend. She said, “Little girl this goes out to you.”

I walked out on the friendship with the person who was helping me starve myself. Patti reminded me that that person did not know what she was talking about.

Just this weekend, I received an abusive email from someone who I thought was a spiritual friend that was bullying me because I disagreed with her over the election coming up. Do not let the bullies have any more conversations with you.

Please read this and give my friend Patti LaBelle a shout out of love on facebook.

I have counseled thousands people since 1988. I have stopped several people from ending their lives, and encouraged clients they could have the children, when they were told they could not. And they did. I have also helped handicapped people believe it was not the end all with God’s help. I want you to know there is always hope.

In that one night my life was changed. I got help, and now I counsel telling that story to clients that have eating disorders, low self-esteem or bullying problems because they need to hear that. I care as Patti LaBelle does, and no one except for God has the right to pass judgement on you if you are not harming another or yourself.